First time back to the Shala

First time back to the Shala

  1. Make sure you read the corona-policy and the class-schedule.
  2. Make sure you and your house-mates do not have a cold, cough or fever. If one of you do have a cold, cough or fever, do a home practice. 
  3. Enter at the front-door and follow the green signs. Make sure you wear a face-mask.
  4. Take your shoes off and store them below the shoes-sign. 
  5. Look at the explanation at the wall (same info as the corona-policy)
  6. Enter the Shala using the first door.
  7. If your yoga mat and blanket are in the dressing-room, you are allowed to enter to fetch them. 
  8. Clean your hands with the available paper and detergent. 
  9. Pick a spot (and keep it the entire class).
  10. Choose your guidance card.
  11. Enjoy your practice (breath). You are allowed to remove the face-mask during your practice.
  12. When finished, clean your spot with the available paper and detergent. 
  13. Leave the Shala using the second door. You have to take your yoga mat and blanket home with you. Also wear the face-mask after your practice until you left the building. 
  14. Follow the orange signs.
  15. Pick up your shoes.
  16. Exit, as you always did, at the side-door.